Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Journal Jar

I have always enjoyed the creative outlet of personal journaling. Truth is I have years worth of old hand printed ,Yes this was a time before the advent of cyberspace and all it’s wonders, leather unlined journals dating back to…well, the beginning  or at least to the part when I finally took up that the classic sharp edged #2 pencil.
A lot has changed in the world around me since that day.
So as it happens I have decided to move my journal here to share my thoughts with you, my family, my friends, and most loyal followers.
Having been absent from my journal for some time I was lacking inspiration. So as I often do when I need it, Inspiration that is, I drove. I eventually found myself in the quaintest  little thrift shop south of Green Bay. And it is there that my inspiration, found me. THE JOURNAL JAR. the what? you ask. Let me explain. So there I was slowly drifting through the cornucopia of surrendered treasures when I saw it. An old Mason jar. Not just a simple jar mind you for it was what it contained that amused me so greatly.
Crudely taped across the front was a handmade label which read ”Preserve Your History” in finer print it instructed me to withdraw one of the 365 strips of paper that it contained. The top also had a label attached to it in whimsical lettering”Journal Jar”
The mystery begins. I could clearly see through the rounded blue jar that the hundreds of slips contained journal prompts. I found myself wanting to immediately withdraw a slip and start to scribble on the back side of my hand.However, I refrained from the public spectacle and simply handed the clerk a dime for the purchase.
That was three months ago.
Then  suddenly today as I glimpsed out side I realized the impending winter months were finally upon us, time to write. It is only when the ground is frozen that I can sit still enough to do so.
I went on the hunt for the jar. Found it. As instructed I withdrew my first slip.
I read. One sentence, that is all there was.
“Describe the downtown of your childhood at Christmas time”
Ironic? Being I had just returned from the very distant downtown of my childhood. And of course it’s Christmas time. I say again, Ironic?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Now You Are Inside My Head

First I would like to apologize for the misdirected blog location. Yahoo360 closed so I have been diligently seeking a new home for the blog. Settled on Blogger.com....Stay tuned for updates...