Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Garden Maintenance

Organic Landscaping & Garden Maintenance by Serenity Springs
*Sustainable Landscape Design
*Soil Amending 
*Spring & Fall Clean-Ups
*Installation & Maintenance of Earth Friendly Landscapes
*Themed Gardens to attract you favorites and encourage natural habitat
*Water Conservation
*Go Green Consulting
*Property Checks and Maintenance

Our landscape design and garden services integrate beauty and aesthetics while creating wildlife habitat, conserving water and energy, creating vibrant soils, and integrating edible species into the landscape.

Our goal is to inspire people to change the way they landscape and garden for the health of the planet.

Serenity Springs is committed to educating the public and our customers about sustainable approaches in landscapes and the environment. We strive to be a vital influence in promoting practices that will help protect our environment for future generations.

We offer many services including regular garden maintenance. Serving the Northern Michigan Area. Please contact us for free quotes and regular rates.

New Season

Organic land care is the design, installation and maintenance of landscapes to promote and preserve environmental health both above and below ground. These practices arise from the understanding that all organisms in nature are interdependent, in order to enjoy healthy plants we must foster the health of the entire ecosystem. Organic land care practices go beyond integrated pest management, beyond the use of of so-called organic fertilizers and pesticides. They acknowledge the concept of intrinsic health and seek to create environments that cater to the well-being of all their inhabitants. Organic land care practitioners know that they but stewards of the land and can at best, hope to work with nature, never dominate it.