Monday, January 23, 2012

Save Yellowstone/Greater Rockies: Take Action!: Save BioGems

Dear Ken Salazar, Secretary of Interior 

Our nation must transition from a dirty fossil fuel-based economy to one that runs on clean energy. But we must ensure that the development of large-scale renewable power plants on our public lands is done right -- by protecting our wildlife, wildlands and water resources.

The Supplement to the draft Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement is a step in the right direction and I urge you to follow through on your commitment to zone-based development of large-scale solar projects on the deserts of the Southwest. Guiding solar development to appropriate places is the best way to ensure that the benefits of solar energy are realized while also safeguarding our public wildlands.

Currently, the solar resources of our public lands are being managed on the same antiquated project-by-project basis that oil and gas resources have been managed. Continuing this scatter-shot approach and permitting these very large projects to be dotted across our public lands is certain to harm sensitive wildlife species and diverse recreational opportunities, and will also lead to costly conflicts, delays and litigation at a time when solar energy is needed to improve our energy security and provide much-needed jobs.
I commend you for recognizing the need for a better way to develop solar projects, by designating zones that minimize conflicts with wildlife and other resources and providing incentives for projects located in these zones. I also appreciate your recognition of the need to provide limited flexibility to the solar industry for well-sited projects outside zones. Adoption of these and other proposed program components will help protect the unique and sensitive resources of our public lands while providing more certainty to all stakeholders.

By focusing on the places that have the best chances for success and having a clear plan to deal with potential impacts before they occur, we will be able to move quickly to develop our solar resources. This will enable America to better meet our clean energy demands while also preserving our nation's wildlife, wild lands and other natural treasures. Please continue on the path to finalize a comprehensive and environmentally sound framework for developing solar energy on our public lands in an environmentally sensitive way -- as promptly as possible.

Save Yellowstone/Greater Rockies: Take Action!: Save BioGems

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