Friday, January 27, 2012

What are the challenges to a transition to a Green Economy, and what will make it possible?


Green Economy Banner9

What is the green economy?

The Green Economy is being mentioned everywhere it seems. Open up a paper or magazine, listen to the radio or TV or visit a website or blog and chances are that it will appear as part of some story. It is certainly an increasingly discussed  subject and it is imperative to understand the relevance  in our troubled economic times.

The principal challenge is how we move towards an economic system that will benefit more people over the long run. Transitioning to a Green Economy will require a fundamental shift in thinking about growth and development, production of goods and services, and consumer habits. This transition will not happen solely because of better information on impacts, risks or good economic analysis; ultimately, it is about politics and changing the political economy of how big decisions are made.

The green economy embraces such diverse industries such as renewable energy production like wind, solar, and electric energy distribution and efficiency organic agriculture, green transportation and green building ranging from energy efficient lighting, to electric passenger trains, to cellulosic bio fuels, to carbon capture, to home insulation.  It is a very diverse industries that is linked together by the desire to achieve sustainability  in a manner that is more Earth Friendly.

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